2011-02-20 16:59:26 UTC
Karma really does hate me.
It managed to bate me--persuade me--
& emotionally rape me…
Fooled me into believing,
I was more than another meeting;
Stabbed once again…
What happened then?
“A dime sack, a black, and a bottle of jack?
“Here! Now! Please?!”
“I got ya back, jeez!
“That’ll be 20 D’s & a moment of your time..”
“Alright, alright, fine!” Are the words that I cry
Fast forward an hour, whatcha see now?
Bloodshot eyes & a head full of lies!
Jimmi hits that rift and I start to drift,
Away to a land of dreams & all you can wish,
I wake up to explore, there’s a knock at the door--
It opens showing darkness-two eyes, an evil stare…
Instincts and I yell “Who goes there?!”
“You know me Justin, I’ve been here all along…”
“The death, the betrayal, the cancer,--
All your rights and all your wrongs…”
The figure fades away then appears near me,
I fall to my knees, he’s finally seen,
“Look at me child! I’m all that’s good--
All serene--no use in running away, they can’t hear you scream…”
“Who the hell are you? What’d I do to deserve this?
“I’m you’re new master, you let me resurface!”
“You nervous? What’s wrong, don’t remember?
It wasn’t long ago, maybe back in September…
You said that you were cold! You needed some guidance”
“Haha--It’s cute--you’re blindness…
I saw you were getting weak--I just wanted to help--
You’re the one who let me in!…”
“What the hell?
STOP! Don’t lie you be you bastard!
I’ve gotta wake up!”
“Not gonna happen, you’re plastered…
Kind’ve ironic, isn’t it? Who would’ve had envisioned it?
You’re very favorite hobby would lead to your own imprisonment…
You’re so ignorant, child, you just aren’t getting it….
“Getting what!?”
“You just aren’t getting IT…
You put yourself out there, hell you even swore!
Come to find out…that ***** is just another whore, see?
Too late your coming with me, ‘you’re a man B!’”
“No, please! I can’t! I won’t!”
“It’s no longer your choice…..”
Again I fall to my knees
“God, hear my voice! I’m begging you please…please?!….
...No response back, the demon grabs me by the neck, & we descend into hell…
“You were once a great man, but from Grace you have fell……..
Then I awaken--I know god I’ve forsaken--I bow my head in peace,
But the silence is taken--
as I’m trying once more,
What happened now?
A knock at the door…….