Sara B
2009-12-21 18:44:36 UTC
Waiting for your response,
You don't seem to talk,
But you stare my way,
I can read your signels,
But I seem to think there fake,
I feel the worlds a lie,
And everythings at steak,
I can't answer the worlds questions,
But I can at least think,
Of everything possible,
Has this world turned to hate,
People seem to change,
And brake my chain of trust,
So I can only stand here,
And wonder what to think,
I stand here,
And do nothing good for me,
Only being here,
I don't even speak,
I just move along in this world,
Where everyone is judged,
If we all looked the same,
Would this still be happening?
I can't answer the worlds questions,
But I can at least think,
Of everything possible,
Has this world turned to hate,
People seem to change,
And brake my chain of trust,
So I can only stand here,
And wonder what to think,
I stand here being pushed,
In the direction,
You take me,
You influence me,
I trusted you,
And then you broke my chain,
You broke it,
You left me here to be with my self,
I stand here alone,
Going my own direction,
My path alone,
Now I influence myself,
I'm my own person,
I have my own path,
I can be me now,
Ok I'll tell you the deeper meaning to it if you don't get it. The point of it is people will influence you to be something your not. They take you to where they are kind of like your there puppets.They control you now and you just wonder where our world has turn to like your kind of depressed because you don't even know who you are anymore. They are turning you to be something your not. So that is what I was trying to get out of this song. Seriously I want the truth to what you think about the lyrics. If they suck I will understand. Well they could really suck because I wrote them in 15 minutes but tell me what you think.